An Khmurenko has been trading on the stock market for the last 20 years. The experienced trader offers advice for novices and provides them with an opportunity to profit from market volatility with minimal risk. An develops effective and highly profitable strategies tailor-made for each individual beginner. Not long ago, she decided to share her knowledge through tutorials and webinars. Contact info: [email protected], +48 (22) 621 34 23
Currency Trading Game Changer: The Bretton Woods AgreementThe Gold Standard Monetary System seemed to have set the balance in the currency exchange after being the core system of trade. But during World War 1, the Gold Monetary System collapsed and w... Read more
Day trading is the process of executing short-term trades; the longest would be within the day. It is called day trading (3. Day trading strategies for beginners) because you must open and close your position within that day’s market hours and before... Read more
As shown in the photo above, the market comes in contact with the resistance then steadies on that level, but soon enough breaks above it. When the chart shows that the market breaks above the resistance level, that resistance now turns into the new... Read more
The short term moving average crossing over denotes that the short term trend has changed and the direction of the cross should be used for trade. The process of this strategy works very simple. 5 EMA and 8 EMA serve as indicators. If 5 EMA crosses 8... Read more
Before delving deeper into how this strategy works, it is essential to know why moving averages are of great importance. It is useful since it efficiently helps traders explicate a trend and recognizes its changes.... Read more
The exponential moving average or simply EMA is a result of a simple moving average or SMA. The EMA is a measuring meter provided on most charting offers. It allows traders to determine trends as well as possible entry and exit signals. Traders have... Read more
If you are the kind of trader who cannot allocate their entire time on trading and have other matters to attend to daily, or if you are interested in selling and wants to get into it, this type of Forex trading strategy is perfect for you. ... Read more
The concept of the Outside Bar Forex trading strategy is not any different from that of the Inside Bar Forex trading strategy. Only the pattern setup is different if not directly opposite.... Read more