
Parallel Computing And Multiprocessing In Python


Listing 1 works with a pool of five agents that process a chunk of three values at the same time. The values for the number of agents, and for the chunksize are chosen arbitrarily for demonstration purposes. Adjust these values accordingly to the number of cores in your processor. To make our examples below concrete, we use a list of numbers, and a function that squares the numbers. The execution times with and without NumPy for Ray are 3.382sec and 419.98ms, respectively.

Code that is executed after a barrier cannot be concurrent with code executed before the barrier. Large-scale parallel machines have been used for decades, primarily for scientific computing and data analysis. Even in personal computers with a single processor core, operating systems and interpreters have provided the abstraction of concurrency. This is done throughcontext switching, or rapidly switching between different tasks without waiting for them to complete.

The multiprocessing.Pool() class spawns a set of processes called workers and can submit tasks using the methods apply/apply_async and map/map_async. For parallel mapping, you should first initialize a multiprocessing.Pool() object. The first argument is the number of workers; if not given, that number will be equal to the number of cores in the system. Python has something called Global Interpreter Lock which allow only one native thread to run at a time, it prevents multiple threads from running simultaneously. This is because Python was designed before the multi-core processor on the personal computers .

This “bubble” is called a process, and comprises everything which is needed to manage this program call. Instead of processing your items in a normal a loop, we’ll show you how to process all your items in parallel, spreading the work across multiple cores. You can launch several application instances or a script to perform jobs in parallel. This approach is great when you don’t need to exchange data between parallel jobs. Otherwise, sharing data between processes significantly reduces performance when aggregating data.

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PyCOMPSs – A task based a programming model which aims to ease the development of parallel applications for distributed infrastructures, such as Clusters and Clouds. Offers a sequential interface, but at execution time the runtime system is able to exploit the inherent parallelism of applications at task level. DistributedPython – Very simple Python distributed computing framework, using ssh and the multiprocessing and subprocess modules. At the top level, you generate a list of command lines and simply request they be executed in parallel. However, a technique called process migration may permit such libraries to be useful in certain kinds of computational clusters as well, notably single-system image cluster solutions .

When IPython was renamed to Jupyter, they split out IPython Parallel into its own package. IPython Parallel has a number of advantages, but perhaps the biggest advantage is that it enables parallel applications to be developed, executed, and monitored interactively. When using IPython Parallel for parallel computing, you typically start with the ipcluster command. Specifically, Python has a very nasty drawback known as a Global Interpreter Lock . The GIL ensures that only one compute thread can run at a time. Instead, the best way to go about doing things is to use multiple independent processes to perform the computations.

Shared Vs Distributed Memory

Think of the memory distributed on each node/computer of a cluster as the different dispensers for your workers. A fine-grained parallel program needs lots of communication/synchronisation between tasks, in contrast with a course-grained one that barely communicates at all. An embarrassingly/massively parallel problem is one where all tasks can be executed completely independent from each other .

In this approach, the worker processes are started separately, and they will wait for the commands from the client indefinitely. Shared MemoryIn shared memory, the sub-units can communicate with each other through the same memory space. The advantage is that you don’t need to handle the communication explicitly because this approach is sufficient to read or write from the shared memory.

What Has This To Do With Parallelization?

On the other hand, arrays and other objects are passed by reference, which is why parallel_sort worked as is. A more realistic example of passing arguments will follow later, as we try to speed up a sorting algorithm using threads. Note that we have to keep track of the threads created in a list in order to be able to wait for them to finish in the future. Multiple threads try to access and modify the same resource concurrently. The master process does not “pause” while the threads are active.

We will learn to use Snakemake to coordinate the parallel launch of dozens, if not hundreds or thousands of independent tasks. Our example painters have two arms, and could potentially paint with both arms at the same time. Technically, the work being done by each arm is the work of a single painter.

Calling returns an instance of the class CompletedProcess which has the two attributes named args , and returncode . This module is intended to replace os.system() and os.spawn() calls. The idea of subprocess is to simplify spawning processes, communicating with them via pipes and signals, and collecting the output they produce including error messages.

But things are different in different processes, change one variable in one process will not change the one in other processes. Process and thread both have advantages or disadvantages, and can be used in different tasks to maximize the benefits. When performing these tasks, you also want to use your underlying hardware as much as possible for quick results. Threads are one of the ways to achieve parallelism with shared memory.

To suppress the output to stdout, and catch both the output, and the return value for further evaluation, the call of has to be slightly modified. Without further modification, sends the output of the executed command to stdout which is the output channel of the underlying Python process. To grab the output, we have to change this, and to set the output channel to the pre-defined value subprocess.PIPE. Using this method is much more expensive than the previous methods I described. First, the overhead is much bigger , and second, it writes data to physical memory, such as a disk, which takes longer. Though, this is a better option you have limited memory and instead you can have massive output data written to a solid-state disk.


This serializes our entire code, so that nothing runs in parallel. In some cases, this can even cause our program to hang indefinitely. For example, consider a consumer/producer program in which the consumer obtains the lock and never releases it. This prevents the producer from producing any items, which in turn prevents the consumer from doing anything since it has nothing to consume. In order to avoid race conditions, shared data that may be mutated and accessed by multiple threads must be protected against concurrent access.

Serialization entails converting a Python object into a stream of bytes, that can then be sent to the other process, or e.g. stored to disk. This is typically done using pickle, json, or similar, and creates a large overhead. Numpy has many routines that are largely situated outside of the GIL. The only way to know for sure is trying out and profiling your application. And while you can use the threading module built into Python to speed things up, threading only gives you concurrency, not parallelism. It’s good for running multiple tasks that aren’t CPU-dependent, but does nothing to speed up multiple tasks that each require a full CPU. There is a more efficient way to implement the above example than using the worker pool abstraction.